Saturday, August 26, 2006

Pokemon Battle Revolution Pc Indir

- Kung Fu Stars

Un One Uno K-Star Comité

Teacher and student are the angels:

Maitre et élève


Mun is drunk with happiness.

It is a new daddy 3rd child
He won the competition "Stars of kung fu" and
share in China for a month, invited by the Committee
Kung Fu Star.

Epée Tang Lang

Epée Tang Lang II

Comité lauréats

Alexis "Mun" surrounded by Mik Master Gao
the President of the Jury "Kung Fu Star", Mr.
Grandval, President of the Ile de France regional committee of the Federation,
and extremities, the other two winners of the event.

Mun Moine Sifu

That happiness ...

And a lot of good things to Roland and his family who go to China ... 2 years.
good trip at all.