Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hydrangea Strigosa Root

Birds of a feather

Isa 1: Check, my colleague wrote to me as counsel for this weekend Do not talk like a guy from the construction, for example does not say "There were big" .

Isa 2: Pfffffffffff, I say it even less class than that, I say "had big YEN.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Electic Outlet Does Not Work For Hair Dryer

Research and Creativity: Birth of Créativ'Lab Villarceaux

Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs France has a new tool on the center of Villarceaux: The Creativ'Lab. The principle is simple: set a place at the heart center research where the exploration of concepts and ideas are studied systematically. The company still defining a contour encompassing business, it creates a paradox when it asks its engineers and researchers to think "out side of the box". The creativ'Lab is a tiny element part answer to this paradox and offers a place to start or conceptual drift is encouraged.

ep.11 Innovation at Work: Video Open Days Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs France

very pragmatic need for the meeting rooms were ill-suited for creativity sessions, several of us have defended and led this project. This equipment, dedicated researchers from Bell Labs France, seeks to create a mismatch with the local "standard" (which management ALBLF also seeks to change). The concept is to try to create a more relaxed atmosphere, so as to play down the error that is inherent in the invention process. Mode trial and error is one of the engines of acquiring knowledge and skills, it is paramount bring this type of message, to encourage risk taking on new ideas. Caution is often créaticide when taking a risk, followed by a failure always provides a useful lesson. Dr Richard Feynman said for example that could measure the progress of a student number of trials and errors he made (See Creative space of Peter Loyd ).

The Creativ'Lab is also a place of experimentation in terms of methods of creativity, co-innovation and design. In a few months now, we have experienced the CK theory with students from the School of Mines different creative methods such as Mind Mapping, Creative Problem Solving and especially experimenting with methods of quick prototyping and Open Innovation. Boosted by the fact that it does not copy the methods of champions such as Google or Apple, but that each company must invent its own process of creation and transformation of ideas. This is also a source for me pleasure to participate in this adventure rather than dreaming of working at the premises of the latter. There are infinitely more satisfaction to invent the new Google rather than being the mere consumer of research "design" after the recruitment strategy.

It is interesting to measure Creativ'Lab's place on the video that accompanies this post. This proves that the initiative of researchers is greeted positively by the management of Alcatel-Lucent. I want to thank all participants in this project either in terms of incentives and allocation of budget or in terms of active participation: BA, FB, JL.B, AS.B, DD, FL IO JM.M, AM, FP (2).

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Hot Seen Of Mera Nam Jocker

There's a hole WHERE your heart Should Be

These days, celibacy me weighs more heavily than usual.

The case is that it's rare that I really have a kick a boy. For me, it is important that "it clicked." I know in many cases, the motivation comes after some time of attendance. I am sure that is true. Except that I am not able to implement it. I would love it, but I'm not capable. Every time I'm forced to dating someone with whom it does not click with me saying that if I gave myself the trouble, it would eventually click, or I was not myself because I don 'were not very uncomfortable or the guy I fell on my nerves too much (and probably would have fallen less on the nerves in a friendly). Regardless, in these cases, I always feel "stiff and stuffed" in the situation and the only way to get rid of that feeling is to stop trying to convince me that it would work.

When someone asks me what's my genre, I have great difficulty meeting. Many say I'm difficult, but in reality the guy on whom I have the real kickers are not necessarily Cutes. Side and personality, they are all very different. I'm really going to feeling. Feeling what? no idea.

When I have nobody in sight I think it's flat and I thought it'd be more fun to have someone in mind. When I have someone in mind, I'm on a mini cloud for some time, then when it does not work, I'm down . Lot more than I should be a simple kick . Particularly because as is rare, I tell myself it'll take forever before the next, and that it will not work more with the next so that I will spend my life alone (very anti-secrecy as attitude).

In the present case, what bothers me, too, is not whether it truly non-reciprocal. I'm pretty sure, but part of me refuses to believe it without confirmation. Moreover, it is certain that even if he is interested, the guy will not make the first move. It would have to be me who makes the first move, but I do not want to face the implications in case of rejection (which is more than a loss of self esteem in this case).

short, the next time I will have nothing to lose except a little self esteem , I sink.

Fortunately, these days, there is an accumulation of little things that happen and make me smile:
  • Go to World Beer and cross my hometown boys
  • Go to World Beer and cross my fantasy university ©
  • Go to a party not knowing at all what to expect and finally spend a wonderful evening
  • the morning, going to the subway, cross Julie, who said "Good morning"
  • the morning when I arrive at work and the boy that I keep coming to see me cross far and expects to hold my door
  • the morning complimenting me on my clothes by my office mate
and in the category of things which I have not yet determined if they make me smile or if they add to my depression:
  • Someone who works at the same place I found my profile on RC and said he would like to learn about each other.
  • A former co-worker, newly single, found my profile on RC.
course, it does not click with the 2. The second said that my profile was exactly my personality, which I found very few minutes, until I make the following equation:

My profile = Does not attract boys interesting

My Profile My personality =

My personality = Does not attract boys interesting