Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Had A Threesome With My Husband And A Black Man

- Transcription of Chinese terms

or Wudang Wu Tang, Qi gong or Chi Kung, Pa Kua or Bagua

It is natural to be a little confused by the whole constellation of specific terms surrounding the Chinese martial arts - and which we are a priori unfamiliar. Transcription of Chinese, on the other hand, gives rise to different ways to spell.

  • "WU TANG" is also spelled as "Wudang"
  • "KUNG FU" -------------------- ----------------- "GongFu
  • " PA KUA "----------------------- --------------- "Ring"
  • "CHI KUNG" ------------------------ ----------- "QIGONG"
  • "TAI CHI CHUAN" --------------------------- "Taiji"
Wutang Kung Fu is representative of the Academy located on Mount Wu Tang.
Its tradition values and uses the internal force (breathing, spiral movements ..).
It differs from the path of Shaolin, which focuses on the external force (physical force, callousness to the pain ...).
However, Kung Fu 7 Star Praying Mantis which GAO is an expert teacher, is known for his radical martial effectiveness. But again, this efficiency is not without a mastery of the gentle techniques of breathing (Qi Gong) and web (Tai Chi Chuan). These disciplines are intertwined in the tradition of Wu Tang also find here courses offering an approach to all these aspects.

For this reason, Kung Fu Wu Tang is accessible to everyone, regardless of the level, and regardless of any goals (competition, leisure, health).



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