Monday, August 18, 2008

Mastercraft Flash Lite

Presentation CEPROV-CI SA

CEPROV The CI-SA is a limited company with capital of 26 million CFA which was created November 22, 2007, under the RCCM No. CI-ABJ-2008-3327-B by traders and professionals in management consulting.

CEPROV The IC-SA aims to master the key success factors in the process of wealth creation and sustainable employment, through markets, particularly for export.

it aims to increase revenue from the products of these industries by the state, economic operators and other partners of the environment, thanks to its markets, including export.

is the privileged instrument and tool whose technical and financial capacities are strengthened to provide various services and integrated with various actors and stakeholders in these sectors activities.


- CEFPAME (Centre for Practical Training in the Acquisition of a trade Bearer Jobs) whose mission is to serve as an incubator for future young professionals and successful entrepreneurs,

- CASE (Centre for Support and Business Support) whose mission is to act as an incubator and clinical micro- projects and businesses, is a department of support and assistance to project bankable and SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises), PMI (Small and Medium Industries), PMEA (Small and Medium Business Agricultural)

- CEPROCOMS (Centre for Studies and Promotion of Communication, Marketing and Strategic NICT) whose mission is to penetrate and conquer the various markets, including export, is the marketing department.

This set is housed in the lamp (La Maison des Micro Projects and Companies)

CEPROV-CI SA is responsible for the implementation of propC Program (Poverty Reduction by Trade and exports).


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