Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Four Monster Energy 24 Hours

think the right to twenty-first century, RDJ met Dominique Boullier

The Editorial Board of the Journal has recently met Dominique Boullier , just installed in his new office, 28 rue des Saints-Peres at Sciences Po

Specialist uses of digital technologies and cognitive sociologist what we initially gave his views on the need for law adapt to technological changes and regulating the digital space ( Part 1).

We then explored the impact of new technologies on the scale of generations, as well as the relationship between citizens and politicians, in the development of Standard Legal ( Part 2).

Combining conceptual knowledge of sociological knowledge to scientific techniques in question, the words of Mr Boullier is of great interest to any lawyer wishing to enter walk-in the era of information society.

Interview by Alex Charaudeau and Alexander Koenig.


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