Sunday, November 7, 2010

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Commission to cyber attack

Ahead of the forthcoming third edition of the Journal of Legal , on the relationship between Law and Innovation, the European Commission has addressed this week on the thorny problem of cyberterrorism. this article published on November 5 site Francophone European news poses two distinct questions a priori how a hand to protect the nice surfer who (unconscious!) Feeds every second canvas snippets of his private life, and secondly how to protect Member States against increasingly sophisticated hackers ( including the OECD itself has recently borne the brunt )? The EU

moreover taken this latest threat very seriously:

"The European states for their part put to test their response capabilities in case of cyber attack, during a year "size" which also included Iceland, Switzerland and Norway.

The test was held in the strictest confidence, and simulated attacks increasingly strong against their networks. In response, including national experts should cooperate to redirect traffic. The Commission announced that more exercises, more complex, should take place in a global relationship with NATO "

The results of this virtual true false attack are not known. Those in the shaping of the legislative right to forget either. To make us wait, the Commission has nevertheless filed a directive toughening penalties against hackers and other malicious Net .

As the Internet continues to expand and that computer systems meet each plays a role more and more crucial in the lives of citizens, a new threat comes on top those recently listed by the French Interior Minister . At a historic moment when our dependence vis-à-vis the networks and new technologies continues to grow, cyberspace will he be the next global geopolitical conflict?

Many states seem to believe it anyway and prepare more actively .


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