How a sleepless night:
- me to kick his elbow in the face by a guy on the bus
- spend the evening listening to the problems of couples for whom I have No Sympathy (girl who complains for nothing or whining girl who cons her boyfriend but giving it full of excuses, so that the behavior of said boyfriend is inexcusable)
- Missing the last metro of 5 seconds because of the inertia groups
- Talk to an operator of taxi co-op that wants me to give him the address of the subway station where I am and which then persists in asking me if I'm going north or south, even if I explain that I'm staying on the same street and travel west (and then tell him to sit back and take the first taxi that passes) .
- Walk the last part of the way because even though I explained to the driver which streets are one-way streets to get home, he managed to go straight and make a detour unnecessary
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