Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Broken Capillaries On Spine


Just in case Santa did not know how you meet this year, I suggest you take a detour through the website by Post Panty. Every month or at the interval you choose, you will be pretty panties in the mail. I do not know about you, but I love receiving mail. If it's lingerie that is more difficult to resist temptation.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Galleries Extreme Curves

It is 0:10, I just go home, I have to move my car for 7 am tomorrow and my car's battery is dead (and I ' have a meeting 30 am to 8 pm).

... say that if I did not have this blog, I would not have known the Samaritan who is currently en route to pick me booster.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Are Pep Hiv Effective?

oops I forgot I modérais comments ... sorry for the delay in approval of my 3 readers

Monday, December 13, 2010

Camera Inside The Vergina

You do not plagiarize Wikipedia

He who has never thrown a stone copied Wikipedia to Michel Houellebecq! Because the writer now dubbed the Goncourt was taken act of vulgar recopying Wikipedia in several passages of his recent success Map and the Territory . And him defend himself " Perrec do it better than me ", arguing that the reuse of raw material is a literary technique of writing like any other.

But Florent Gallaire does not think the young lawyer and decided to restore justice on his blog ... by publishing the book for free! The Net and shook Marie Krostrz on Rue 89 it is echoed:
"Wikipedia transforms the novel into a free work. Florent Gallaire explains on his blog that License Creative Commons BY-SA , under which is placed Wikipedia , imposes two conditions of use to the public. In addition to having to quote the author of the article, the user must comply with the clause " share alike"
"If you alter, transform, or build upon this work - the article-you have the right to distribute the resulting work only under a license identical to this one. "
other words, the blogger, Houellebecq can pump Wikipedia, but it must then publish the resulting work under the Creative C ommon , which involves the dissemination of the novel freely available on the Net. "
Flammarion Florent Gallaire immediately threatened prosecution, which withdrew the next day version of the novel his blog. The same day, Wikipedia denied responsibility in the unfortunate incident.

But the blogger was right?

As explained section, the reasoning of this daring blogger claiming to be the digital law expert, is a bit fast: point of order raised by Florent Gallaire, "applies only to contributors to the site ;, "said Emmanuel Pierrat, Flammarion lawyer," but it does nothing to the personal work of an individual who has inspired articles in the encyclopedia. " The regulation clearly says in effect: "The re-users of your contribution can choose the license agreements to which they want to join "

And even then, how can we imagine that in the name of a dozen phrases from Wikipedia is can bring down an entire novel in a free way to share without the consent of its author?

The coarse borrowing Houellebecq is more like a short quotation that governs law Article L122-5 paragraph 3-a) Code of intellectual property and requires the inclusion of the author and source. Thus, as any student at Sciences Po at the end of his essay, Mr. Houellebecq should have included at the end of the novel names of authors of articles viewed and URL links to them ... But when we have the Goncourt we can all afford!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hair Products To Spike Your Hair

It flies high on dating sites

I forgot to log on the dating site for a little bit.

Taking my coffee this morning (which I am still doing), I decided to go see.

Here are the latest messages I received

  • Hi ca you like to come to a party where I invited several girls bi. That would be a pub on the ds chm Ste-Foy. Please if you say anything I ca ask respect please ...
  • hello ........... well I'll be honest .............. due to finish my studies .......... I seek not a thousand but lover .......... ........ good and we never know love then I play by no cons friend and lover of that came the other way ...... and miles lover friend that I am not a number that ......... ...... I therefore seek first lover ........... with complicity and we'll see over time .......... If I start after a certain time friend and lover would therefore say that ca ca can be love after .... but I did want to respect, of dignity to the two ....... I want this to be an integral pleasure ........
  • Truly charming! ;) Ca va? (This one, he sends me this message about every month. He, the first 2 times I answered but it had never answered)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Possible Combinations Of Digits

And if you become owner ... the sun! The scenery

A English had a bright idea: appropriating the sun! How? By going to his lawyer! So last Thursday, Ms. Angeles Duran, a former lawyer with knowledge radius, has to issue a proper form making her the owner by adverse possession of Sun, that its owner had not asked for 5 billion years.

"Welcome home! "

But why take a ball of fire? this article is very British Daily news giving the answer by revealing the religious ideas of the happy owner:

"Ms Duran, Who Lives In The town of Salvaterra do Mino, Said She now wants to slap a fee is everyone Who uses the sun and give-half of the proceeds to the English government - and 20 per cent to the nation's pension fund.

She would dedicate another 10 per cent to research, another 10 per cent to ending world hunger - and would keep the remaining 10 per cent herself.

She said: 'It is time to start doing things the right way, if there is an idea for how to generate income and improve the economy and people's wellbeing, why not do it?'”.

A défaut d’être inscriptible au cadastre espagnol (faute de compétence de l’organisme sur le système solaire), l’acquisition de Madame Soleil est-elle légale ?

En droit international, oui puisque this is not prohibited. Indeed, exploring the international legal system reveals that the Space Treaty of 1967 which prohibits states assume ownership of an item of outer space, does not prevent an individual self proclaimed owner of a planet and even the Sun.

And what would our French law?

French law knows the legal category of common things: res communes these things are without an owner can not have them, and whose free above and beyond any human community. Section 714 of the French Civil Code provides that, by nature, these things can be property. They are not for sale and not available, we can not deprive others of their use, or more generally subject to agreement, as recalled Article 1128. Obviously no domestic legal text has yet ventured to legally qualify the Sun, but it's a safe bet that "privatization" if it had occurred in France, would have been seen with suspicion. At least by the descendants of the Sun King!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

How Do I Know How Long Ive Had Chlamydia

: invitation to travel to countries of the Criminal Procedure

We're Here! During the late approach and holidays are fast approaching ... The first flakes of snow making their appearance and the cold is now well and truly installed, we're all looking for a little change of scenery ... Disoriented, that is what precisely happened to the case Bettencourt, rose from Nanterre to Bordeaux! But this reference is far from an invitation to travel as we could hear ...

A brief background: Following the request of the Attorney General Versailles late October, which considered that all procedures should leave the court in Nanterre, which now lacked "the serenity essential to the functioning of justice," Court of Cassation ruled : Case Bettencourt is relocated to Bordeaux because of the rivalry between the judges of Nanterre, and will be dealt with by other judges.
"The suspicions about the judge especially virulent hatred that opposes the Nanterre prosecutor Philippe Courroye has caused this huge move defended by the Attorney General of Versailles, Philip Ingall-Montagnier on behalf of the proper administration of justice. "
Those are the facts, over and over so long in the national press. But what about the country's law? On what grounds can a litigant pursuing a claim of scenery? For what purposes this mechanism have been created? This solution is not without problems, including Laurence Neuer, Doctor of Law, made the brilliant statement in an article "change of scenery or the pilgrimage of justice above all suspicion" , published on the website the think tank Lawyers Club. Designed by

Articles 662 to 667-1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure and framed by a series of relatively strict formalities, the "removal" of a case constitutes the very foundation of the serenity of justice.
"But by multiplying the case of expatriation, the law opens Does not the door to abuses? "
How to define the interests of good administration of justice? What about the principle of contradiction? What sort is it appropriate to reserve for potential developments are revealing to the magistrate in charge of the new record?

Excellent ticket L. Neuer enlighten you doubtless as it attempts to answer the many questions posed by this "disorientation", even if the material is still in full swing, whose remains partially unexplored territory ... Raiders of the right, you know what you have to do!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Japan Gay Coat Blogger


Times and locations of courses

(click image)
additional courses 2010-201 1

- Tuesday 19h-21h with master GAO
Municipal School
4, rue des Falconers
75004, metro SAINT PAUL
- THURSDAY 10h-12h with master Gao
- Saturday 16h-18h with Antonin

The Gymnasium Stadium
66 Avenue e Ivry
75013 Metro
Porte d'Ivry

- Thursday 19h-20h30 with William

16, rue Roquepine
75008 Metro AUGUSTINE

- Friday 19h-20h30 with William (Dojo)
- Monday 18h-19h30 with William (ballroom)
Gymnasium Alfred Nakache
4-12, rue Desnoyers
75020 Metro BELLEVILLE


course test Free

The opportunity to freely discover the traditional Wudang
Registration possible throughout the year


(entrance at the Centre Sportif Nakache
10 minutes before classes start)



information :

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Chemicals Incorelle Plates

PDMA: Half a day to exchange ideas

France PDMA (Product Development and Management Association) is hosting a World Café on November 25 and experiments around the practices of two major players in the R & D in France: Orange Labs represented by Sylvie Courcelle Labrousse and Bell Labs of Alcatel-Lucent represented by myself.

I do wish you to come and share about our challenger to advance our thinking on the topic of innovation and creativity. And this article is also a good opportunity for me to write about what this association PDMA. PDMA is originally an American organization founded in 1976, which has spread 16 association which is affiliated PDMA France. This body, chaired by Anne-Christine Ayed ( its video card) is Objectives:

  • Improving the capacity of its members to meet the challenges posed by innovation in both products and services,
  • Promote the generation, collection and exchange of information on process improvement and innovation practices, development and management products and services,
  • Organize meetings, events and publications to promote exchanges ideas and information on these processes and practices and build a strong network of relationships among its members,
  • offer its members the opportunity to obtain official certification for best practices development and product management .

Here is an association that Creative-Network can only support. And in this goal I shall be happy about this workshop. You will find the registration form here .

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Exhibition Invitation Templates

Is there still a right to believe in Santa Claus?

"In this world where corruption of moral values extends more each day his empire, leprosy mercantile endlessly corrupt the innocent souls. "

As the blogger says Jules in a ticket published on November 4 Diner's Room in these times of degradation of moral values, but also gloomy, gray skies, a little magic and magic can not hurt us! The various debates on the latest television spot Crédit Mutuel we offer precisely an opportunity to question us on this delicate question: can we still believe in Santa Claus ? For

stating bluntly that "Santa does not exist" in an advertisement broadcast Sunday night, just before the animated film Ratatouille , Crédit Mutuel has incurred the wrath of outraged parents, psychologists screaming for infansectomie, not to mention crying toddlers encountered in their deepest convictions ...

But what about law?

is exactly what Julius tries to answer in her excellent post about this problem just as quirky and complex. Crossing the provisions regulating commercial advertising laws on freedom of expression, freedom of worship and protection of the consumer, the blogger asking the question in these terms:
"Presenting a belief commonly spread among children by their parents as naivete is there an attack on their beliefs and / or the special trust children have in their parents? "
Consecrated by the fundamental principle of freedom of expression, commercial advertising, as we explained Jules, however, subject to the law of 29 July 1881 on freedom of the press and Decree No. 92-280 who just give some attention to the minor and his beliefs, including religious.

justice had not been seized, this question will probably remain unanswered. If it seems that the spot of the Credit Mutuel can be exposed to the penalties provided by these texts, the case remains revealing. At the disenchantment of the world and the development of new fundamental rights, some assumptions will inevitably be subjected to eccentric judges. These, considered here, which tend to establish the right to believe anything in general, and the right to the enchantment in particular, are emblematic.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

How To Print A Slide For Slide Projecter

Commission to cyber attack

Ahead of the forthcoming third edition of the Journal of Legal , on the relationship between Law and Innovation, the European Commission has addressed this week on the thorny problem of cyberterrorism. this article published on November 5 site Francophone European news poses two distinct questions a priori how a hand to protect the nice surfer who (unconscious!) Feeds every second canvas snippets of his private life, and secondly how to protect Member States against increasingly sophisticated hackers ( including the OECD itself has recently borne the brunt )? The EU

moreover taken this latest threat very seriously:

"The European states for their part put to test their response capabilities in case of cyber attack, during a year "size" which also included Iceland, Switzerland and Norway.

The test was held in the strictest confidence, and simulated attacks increasingly strong against their networks. In response, including national experts should cooperate to redirect traffic. The Commission announced that more exercises, more complex, should take place in a global relationship with NATO "

The results of this virtual true false attack are not known. Those in the shaping of the legislative right to forget either. To make us wait, the Commission has nevertheless filed a directive toughening penalties against hackers and other malicious Net .

As the Internet continues to expand and that computer systems meet each plays a role more and more crucial in the lives of citizens, a new threat comes on top those recently listed by the French Interior Minister . At a historic moment when our dependence vis-à-vis the networks and new technologies continues to grow, cyberspace will he be the next global geopolitical conflict?

Many states seem to believe it anyway and prepare more actively .

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Four Monster Energy 24 Hours

think the right to twenty-first century, RDJ met Dominique Boullier

The Editorial Board of the Journal has recently met Dominique Boullier , just installed in his new office, 28 rue des Saints-Peres at Sciences Po

Specialist uses of digital technologies and cognitive sociologist what we initially gave his views on the need for law adapt to technological changes and regulating the digital space ( Part 1).

We then explored the impact of new technologies on the scale of generations, as well as the relationship between citizens and politicians, in the development of Standard Legal ( Part 2).

Combining conceptual knowledge of sociological knowledge to scientific techniques in question, the words of Mr Boullier is of great interest to any lawyer wishing to enter walk-in the era of information society.

Interview by Alex Charaudeau and Alexander Koenig.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

How To Improve A Refractor Telescope

And if the new Superman were lawyers?

The inauguration of a Blog for the Journal of Jurists is probably symptomatic of a new era. Time of which this journal is the fruit while it all, but it has, at its level, shape features. Great ambition ... ? The future is now more than ever at your fingertips! Read on The World of October 28, 2010 :

"For the first time in history, a single individual, devoid of the traditional tools of power (military, police ...) without special charisma, can cause a disorder or destabilize global institutions ... here is the advent of Super-mundane-man. A Superman Without Qualities. "

This is how Yves Mamou, economic journalist, describes these new "ordinary men" who, through at super-empowerment made possible by recent technological innovations, are now able to divert technology that did not exist ten years ago to satisfy an appetite for power or personal struggle with powers they would " not wanted to scratch a decade ago ".

Jerome Kerviel, a young trader of 33 years, and did not bother to shake the global financial system by tricking a computer controls the largest French banks. He certainly bailed the passage of a condemnation to pay damages among the highest in history , but the question remains.

a time when one wonders which of the technique or the right rules the world - the first having certainly a step ahead of the second - what if our "Superman Without Qualities" came to control, in addition to electronic technologies, the sacrosanct legal technique?

Joining Mr. Mamou, we could already say that the next Kerviel lives "the house next door, the apartment upstairs" , especially for those domiciled in Alsace-Moselle, which could soon see get the ex-trader before their courts ... Section L- 670-1 of the Commercial Code , it means nothing to you? This brilliant

ticket Gilles Cuniberti you will undoubtedly shed light on the potential that open to any individual knowing navigate with skill in one of the most complex network ever thought that of the legal universe. In the digital age more than ever, "law is the most powerful schools of the imagination" for the worse as for the best!

Untucked Dress Shirt With Loose Tie

The Journal of Legal Sciences Po Launches Blog

The Journal of Legal Sciences Po

Posted by professors, practitioners and students Sciences Po and elsewhere, the Journal of Legal Sciences Po (RDJ) is in constant development and wishes to become a reference among the francophone student publications: In addition to thematic issues devoted to topical issues of legal news, multidisciplinary interventions on major legal issues, online version of "enhanced" partnerships with foreign journals, podcasts and blog appear particularly among the innovations of the academic year 2010-2011.

A blog suitable for short-time legal news

Primarily dedicated to students, current debates and dissemination of content in a modern format (audio, video, notes on a quirky, etc..), This blog will allow you to monitor and participate in real time the development of the Journal.

Besides the Journal is a quarterly publication, this blog is updated weekly aims to stick to the best time of increasingly rapid legal news. Designed to carry a lighter and offbeat look at the issues that dominate political debate, economic and legal, this virtual platform will also be the forum for the exchange of those who make the news law in France and Europe.

A new team for the 2010-2011 academic year

The current director of the publication is Alexander Koenig, Promotion 2011. The permanent members of the Editorial Committee are Dorothy Brugere, Stefan-Darcel Monaghan and Julie Piers, all three of the promotion 2012.

Students wishing to submit their contributions, written alone or in partnership with a legal professional, can contact the Journal at the following address:

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pokemon Pregnancy Dawn

Do I still blog?

Yes One day I will find time and inspiration to find something to write.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Animated African American Woman Pregnant

Last night I dreamed I was making love to a female couple in a beautiful English garden.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Yu-gi-oh!gx-duel Academy Gameshark

Think I Would you believe me if ...

... I told you that I I am not interested in more sex?

About Safety Razors What Is The Difference

I still often think about sex free under his jeans.

Monday, October 11, 2010

What Color Are Infiltrates On Chest X-ray

full House Poitou-Charente University of Entrepreneurship organizes a contest of creativity

If you are students, graduates or staff of the University of Poitiers or the University of La Rochelle , or the ENSMA , the second edition of Creative University you. These three actors in higher education, grouped under the banner of University House Poitou-Charente Entrepreneurship (the MUPCE) distribute a dozen prizes to the winners. You have until November 15 to submit your project on topics as diverse as renewable energy, social innovation or technological innovation. For more information on Regulation Contest is here and application can be downloaded here . Dear entrepreneurs ... to your projects!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Which Organs Does Depression Effect

Animation Creative Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Gers

What's this?
To help SMBs Gersoise to develop their creative potential, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI ) Gers wanted to become a partner in the Business Idea Crea alongside the Economic Development Agency of La Rioja (Spain). His goal is to "create an environment positive creativity facilitating the implementation of various corporate initiatives "

Why CCI Gers she participates in the project?
The CCI of Gers is part of the following observation: Gers companies have many creative resources. Companies as Gers Nataïs , the specialist European corn or popcorn Glosek Gourmet have developed niches and their goal is to preserve their value.

But due to time or method, some companies can not always carry out their innovation projects. The ICC Gers offer a space where businesses can meet and find solutions to their problems most current
  • exchange experiences from the analysis and knowledge of trends in their sectors respectively.
  • stimulate the emergence of new ideas that lead to new economic activities (new projects, new products, new services etc..) In enterprises.
This project aims to provide simple and effective solutions, tailored to the activity of SMBs Local:
  • Créalim Day: trends and creative solutions for food innovation. He was aware of agribusiness company with creativity, and to generate ideas during two simultaneous workshops on nomadic food and wines and spirits.
  • Export Crea Workshop: Trends and creative solutions to optimize its international communication, always for business food
  • Crea HR Workshops: to generate ideas with different techniques on topics chosen by charges of human resources business Gers. Compensation policies, boosting the creative potential of employees ...
With CCI Gers, companies are not "released into the wild." They benefit from individual support to meet their expectations, as well as tools created specifically for the European Partnership:
  • Handbook of creativity: all creativity techniques identified and advice for their implementation in business
  • The CCI Gers commissioned the firm Ocean Blue to support agribusiness Gers 8 for 2 days each. It's about helping businesses to express their ideas in their projects: improvement of products / services, development of new shopping ...
This initiative does not lack originality and rigor provides a very good example of what can be experienced to support economic activity Regional. The handbook of creativity in business that ICC gives us below (Downloadable here ) will perhaps swarm of new innovative practice. So thank you for sharing and congratulations for the initiative.

For more information:
Jose Moutinho - CCI du Gers-j.moutinho @ - 05 62 60 68 72 -

The "Crea Business Idea" is a project European Territorial Cooperation INTERREG IV B SUDOE, funded by the ERDF and ongoing since April 2009. The partners are:
  • Economic Development Agency of La Rioja (ADER leader - Spain)
  • Andalusian Institute of Technology (AIT - Spain)
  • Foundation for ICT development in Extremadura ( FUNDECYT - Spain)
  • Madrid Institute for Development (IMAD - Spain)
  • BIC Beira Interior (CIEB - Portugal)
  • University of Algarve (ualg - Portugal)
  • CCI Gers

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Ryobi 42 In Riding Mower Review

Angel underground

There were long since I had not seen much purity and delicacy in the face of a young girl. Her blond curls framing her pretty face and cascading down over her shoulders. It was carefully done hair and was wearing light makeup. His wool coat bent at the waist to let his imagination waist and hips narrow. Her pencil skirt hugged her thighs and hid her knees. His legs were hidden by low black nylon shows no sign of fatigue. No mesh is so tiny she and shimmering color that looked like a velvet skin. Short boots and a matching handbag accompanied her outfit. To top this angelic picture, she wore around his neck a gold chain with a cross as a pendant.

I imagine the quiet that some people must have felt his touch. I thought the image of an angel on the subway would have made me breathe with joy and peace. But my body felt more severe pain. That which could let me stay up. I tortillas on my bench because that vision was instilled in me a picture all at completely unexpected.

The only thing, really, the only thing I could think and to which my mind was trying to break away, it was this desire visceral. A desire so strong that it shook my limbs. Yes. At that moment, I longed to be a man to defile her pretty face of an angel.

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men dream of having a woman like me in their hands, and when their wish is fulfilled, they do not know what to do. Bitter disappointment.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Walkee Talkee Conversation Roger That

Design Thinking / CEO Tim Brown of IDEO

Wishing to understand more about the link between the "design" and innovation, on the advice of Frederick Bread (responsible Department of Design and User Experience on applications at Bell Labs, France), I immersed myself in reading the book written by Tim Brown, who is the CEO of IDEO company renowned for being among the 10 most innovative companies in the world .

In this book Tim Brown presented what he called "Design Thinking", which originates in the work of Brunel on the Great Western Railway in England and which have profoundly influenced in its design as the design task was to shape the world.
For this line of railway, not only the engineers have put all their expertise in the design of trains and tracks to make them as efficient as possible, but they are also concerned about the travel experience by ensuring that bridges and overhanging routes give the impression of floating above the countryside.

It is impossible to summarize all the contents of this book (readers can only read pressed the last chapter of the book where Tim summarizes himself what he has just presented), I nonetheless found the following quotations which seem full of interest and sometimes common sense and there is therefore interest spread ;-)

"3 Steps in Innovation: Inspiration, ideation (the emergence of the idea), and finally the implementation. "

"Constraint Designer: feasibility, viability and desirability!

"Council for the user study: Looking at the two ends of the Gauss curve to study users live, think and eat differently. "

" Developments in the mood for a project:
  • Hope during the phase of information gathering,
  • Doubt when classifying data and research models and designs,
  • confidence when creating the idea became more tangible and that we created the first prototype "

" One way to ensure that people are trying something new is to build on their behavior that are already familiar. "

" The predictability leads to boredom and boredom leads to the loss of talented people. "

" A tolerance for risk taking has as important in the corporate culture that has in its business strategy. "

" Always be sure that every employee understands, appreciates, and has the opportunity to contribute to the overall vision the objective. "

" A story needs to be repeated lots of times before people begin to understand how it applies to them, and plenty of times before it can change their behavior. "

" A prototype is a success, not when it works fine, but if we learn something more. "

" Good "designer" is someone who has the ability to identify patterns in data to a bazaar then able to synthesize new ideas from fragments of data, empathize with people different from himself, and all that can learned! "

" The sooner we make our ideas tangible, the sooner we will be able to evaluate and at worst to give up. "

" An innovation is a good idea well executed, both parties are equally important! "

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Brownish Dischargeseasonique

purpose I hate how it Feel That everyone's in Love With Someone Else

Tse world when you try to "advise" but they do not understand you just so? Not only do they not understand you but they do not even try to do too bad they just make you feel hurt and frustrated.

taste I just find myself all alone rather than with "friends who are trying to give me advice." Friends who do not understand that, if after 2 dates, I did not really feel like the guy again and that even if I force myself to him again, does force me to reconsider going to take away what little of desire that might exist.

(Because it's true that I do tellllllllllllllllement pity as a single for them, who are in couples so fulfilling.)

Except that it was my home, and it would have been frowned upon to put out.

I know, but it seems to me that when I give advice, I try, I try at least a little of myself in the shoes of the person to whom I give advice. Worse

the times it does not work are often the times or in the background the person agrees with me but do not dare to admit. Sometimes there's nothing to do, the emotions take over, but I think friends are here for, to make reality check, like "Dude, it has been 2 years since you guts this guy is a couple and who uses just like you booty call, wins. "Fac in that time I try to show another person the absurdity of his reasoning. Except when the person in addition to bullshitter itself trying to myself bullshitter myself, then I refuse to used to argue and I let her come to terms with her disorder. (type "I am nothing worse he will always come back to me" in the background when you realize that the text as soon as it has the opportunity).

short, it pisses me off when friends are not able to understand that I do not have enough free time for me to see a guy on March 1 st times when I the past 2 times before rolling eyes when he had backs. (To their defense, my friends and me who bullshittent are those that do not judge me for that).

In any case, the last person who listened to my advice just buy a twin with the man of her dreams ... Just sayin '.


Apart from this, why he keeps calling me for silly things? I am willing not to make me ideas, but there's always a limit to call a girl for nothing.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Riding Suits For 20 Degree Weather

A guy who, in his online dating profile says " you must be very handsome, distinguished and refined " and puts " Little Miss Frog "as said in the video profile .. I find it suspicious.

The full profile will follow when I have time to copy it because it's worth it.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Eating Disorders Titles

Yesterday if you've crossed the edge of the park Angrignon a naked young woman under her dress, legs apart, with a handsome man who tenderly kissed and caressed her pussy offered in full view of passers-by, was me.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Perennialism And Progressivism

Interview: mind mapping by Catherine

is the first interview Creative-Network as a video. Lenglet Catherine has kindly loaned to the exercise and I thank him. I hope this will be the first of a long series because I already have a large list of interesting people to interview. Catherine Lenglet is enseiganante at ESCP Europe and Strate College Designers, she uses the Mind Mapping in these formations and different coaching. The stream is talking to me a pleasure and source of information and inspiration. I'll let you watch this void of 7min.

If you want to go further I would encourage you to visit his website: .

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Broken Capillaries Have Not Healed

Lenglet A symposium and workshop

My goal for this paper is to try and I mean try, to share a little of the three intense days that some one of us have lived through these days that these two events are: The conference "Management and animation of creativity" and the workshop of the "Creativity and Innovation Management Community", which were held respectively on June 30 and July 1 and July 1 and July 2 in Paris.

It Guy Aznar, president of Crea- University which to open this conference on Wednesday at the University Rene Descartes. This symposium brought together various stakeholders: consultants animation or innovation, professional and researchers. Thirty minutes after the opening presentations and a few of the usual cycle of conference, the tone was set with the intervention of dimis Michaelides. D. Michaelides gave us a surprising performance as the form in dense point. Master the art of illustrating his remarks with his fantasy and magic tricks, this man takes us through the principles of creativity, accelerating change.

Gerard Puccio closed the first day with a lecture (translated by Patrick Duhon ). Gerard Puccio introduced the concept of "creative leadership" in business and is based on studies such as the famous "IBM Global CEO Study" (learn a little more here and the study can be downloaded in exchange of an entry). You can get a preview of his remarks on creative leadership on youtube.

I was fortunate to enjoy a half-hour presentation from André-Yves Portnoff , Associate Study Director to Futuribles International, author of book "Path of Innovation". André-Yves Portnoff is well above the message that creativity is an essential tool for understanding the complexity. Based on the history of the dome of Florence or the carbon nano-structures, it shows how we can do better or differently with a constant resources. It builds on the successes the French who have shown their capacity to differentiate and to produce on our territory by offering more innovative products (see his slideshare below).

The conference that I've been that attending partially because of ICM worshop start, allowed me to return despite the atmosphere and the facilitator met with various Crea-Conference Sestri- Levante. This conference allowed me to move incurs in my "state of the art of creative practices in France. The only criticism one could make the conference is the lack of corporate presence in level conferences and workshops. Given the youth of Crea-university and the tendency for companies to communicate their little revenue, this criticism is surely to be qualified.


Crea-University brought together over two days more than 25 workshops with topics as different as can be shown the following examples: "The power of the impossible" by Mark Reason (see his books), "The posture sensitive" Guy Aznar and Stephen Ely coming out a book of the same name (available in eBook ), "The Creative high potentials "Safia Richou, I. and F. Gennari Zenasni, The anayse profile creative Foursight presented by Olwen Wolfe , Sylvie Courcelle and Gerard Puccio which is found in ICD , Innovation combat Jean-Louis Swinners , Put more life in teams by Isabelle Jacob, and many others who forgive me for not copying the conference program.

This event, which mainly concerns the community of researchers on creativity and innovation processes, is an important event in terms of research on this area. The newspaper Creativity and Innovation Management regularly hosts these types of workshops to allow exchange of the different studies. The two-day workshop included ICD 5 conferences and 7 round tables and discussions around the results and directions of the newspaper "Creativity and Innovation Management.

I have attended, so Gerad . J. Puccio (again) who finds from various studies on creativity in business paradox following: 88% of companies use the word creativity in their mission when 5% have an action plan for manager creativity in business. With this in mind, he introduced the "Creative Leadership" as a development priority for companies in the 21st century.

Didier Bardin EGIDE Development Association are 4 axes of development in which firms are supposed to act to manage their collective creativity: the Mood-Creativity, Creativity-the Result, the Creativity, Creativity and Process-System. As Gerad.J.Puccio , it considers that companies put in place measures to encourage more "creative atmosphere" (Creativity, Mood), which is a prerequisites relevant but not sufficient that axes generally involving the 4 previous axes. Didier Bardin notes, too, a Confusion between the management of innovation and creativity management, about that found in the corporate strategic discourse (See Creativity vs. Innovation ).

We then attended the second day workshop at the School of Mines, a series of interventions on the creativity and design (English title design). After a fairly quick reminder of the fundamentals of the theory by CK Huatchel Armand, Pascal Le Masson presented a history of theories of design in 3 phases: Redtenbacher, Pahl and Beitz and systematic approach to design and work from the Art Institute Bauhaus .


The topics discussed at roundtables Creativity in student teams, leadership creativity the teaching of creativity in Europe, the potential contributions of technology on creativity in design, design theory, the value in the design process, and a panel discussion on creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship.

Two provocations that will, perhaps, debate

I have seen this year, several schools of thought. Armand Huatchel , spearhead and co-designer of the CK theory, questions the psychological community about the viability of creativity. His speech, sometimes provocative, is the idea that the work of Jay Paul Guilford which defined 150 different faculties involved in human intellectual structure and had introduced the concept of the Faculty of divergence in the process of creation, operations introduce more metaphorical than real. Armand Huatchel also calls into question the existence of the phases of any divergence in the design phase, which does not, from his point of view, an operation modeled.

addition Roberto Verganti the Polytechnic of Milan, in turn, challenge the psychological analysis of the design process. Drawing on the experience of the company Alessi in the design of the teapot " Kettle "model (or model 9093), it defines the design phases as follows: Immersion - Research - Development. In this example, he considers this process as a rigorous work of the researcher and not as a creative design. Roberto Verganti also considers the role of obsessive visions, which are evidence of leader like Steve Jobs . In the 90s, Steve Jobs , convinced that his vision of browsing Web use that will allow the computer to get out of the professional to return to our home, hired Jonathan Ive , a designer more used to design computers that Bathtubs (see Apple Adventure). Here Steve Jobs would "only" provide the means to implement production in line with its vision. Speaking as Armand Huatchel it exceeds the attachment point that a computer has a professional use only by understanding the user can have personal use. Roberto Verganti opposes the vision David Kelley, chairman of the company IDEO ( see his video on TED ) that is to put the chaos in the design process to produce new ideas. David Kelley considers the role of designers can be and must be held by non-experts, that refutes Roberto Verganti based on the research views or expert guidelines illustrated in these examples success in terms of design.